Porsche Warsteiner 911 GT1 Declkit #9111

review by Bill Via

"$35.00 and worth it!", the small box on the lower right of
Scale Motorsport's Porsche-Warsteiner 911 GT1 Declkit shouts. Only a
company run by an enthusiast could ever be so brazen, and it takes
that same company's commitment to its vision to make good on that
bravado. If you've ever used Scale Motorsport's carbon fiber/kevlar
decal products you already know how easy it is to use. You've
watched in amazement as the heat from a low powered hair dryer and
the whiff of vinegar transformed the surface of the model from drab
styrene to a metallic, woven surface. The detail underneath slowly
reappears in the surface. Like me, you've probably had a worktable
cluttered with small slivers of the stuff pruned from masking tape
templates and small plastic bags full of left over pieces you know
you'll find a use for someday.

When Tamiya announced that it would be releasing the Porsche
GT1 I couldn't believe we were actually going to get a for-the-time
modern racer. I immediately ordered 3 and then set about trying to
figure out what to do with all of them. I had seen the test mule
of the GT1 on the Speedvision's Le Mans qualifying show and in various
magazines and I knew I had to model one. Like many of you I knew of
various companies that were producing carbon/kelvar decal sheets and
I knew it was going to be a tough one to do from scratch.

While I was renewing my subscription to Motor Racing Model News
(now MRM) I casually asked Mike which decal manufacturer would be the
best for my project. Mike said "wait a few months and I guarantee you will
find what you need. The sheets are printed using metallic inks. They are
the best I've ever seen." Considering the source, I quickly accepted the
advice and sure enough a few months later Scale Motorsport began
advertising their products AND kit # 9111 911 GT1 DeclKit.

I originally balked at the $35.00, but soon realized I would never
get the sparse livery decals, much less the template decals the kit came with.
$35.00 plus shipping buys you 5 sheets of decals, 1 containing the Warsteinter
livery and some "gold" colored decal sheet and 2 identical sheets of gold and a
dark grey weave.

On the backs of the sheets are the templates allowing you to simply
cut along the lines. Also included are 1 and a half sheets of colored
line art showing the placement of the numbered decal templates and
livery and a "General Kit Orientation" sheet.

There's a lot of stuff packed inside the plastic envelope and a lot
of engineering with everything looking up to SM's usual quality. $35.00
and worth it? If you want to model this impressive Porsche, absolutely.



Below are some reference images for the Porsche GT-1 "test mule".
These images are provided for reference only and all copyrights are
retained by their respective owners.



Page created by Bill Via. 10.21.00
E-mail: gpma@attbi.com
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