GPMA Membership Drive

If you like the content on the GPMA website, you appreciate the friends you have made through the Yahoo Groups message list, and you want to support our ongoing efforts, please make your annual $25 membership donation today.

You can also send your annual Membership Donation by Check or Money Order to the mailing address on this page.

Thanks for your support!
Member Donations
Click this button to make a $25 donation now using PayPal.

You can use PayPal to make a donation by credit card or check. Need to open a PayPal account? Click the button above to open your account today.

To donate by check or money order, make your check payable to Kevin Stewart and mail to this address:

Kevin Stewart
2530 Berryessa Rd. #140
San Jose, CA 95132

Site Sponsors

Do you have a race car modeling business to promote on the web? For a small annual fee, you will have your logo on the main page and links page, your own sponsor page, and direct access to customers through the gpma message list on Yahoo Groups.

For more details, go to our Sponsor Page

or send email to: ksonline@yahoo.com